
FROM NORTHERNMOST MEXICO TO TIERRA DEL FUEGO AT THE SOUTHERN tip of Argentina near Antarctica, and throughout the islands of the Caribbean, the USCCB’s Church in Latin America program has helped countless Catholics renew their faith and share God’s love. Below are a few of the 252 projects funded by $6.2 million that Catholics in the United States gave to the annual collection that funds it in 2023. They make up a small sampling of the many ways that this collection strengthens the faith of Catholics who live in great poverty, helping them to realize their vocations to priestly and consecrated religious life, to love their neighbors, and to care for all of God’s creation. Desde el extremo norte de México hasta la Tierra del Fuego en el extremo sur de Argentina, cerca de la Antártida, y a lo largo de las islas del Caribe, el programa de la USCCB para la Iglesia en América Latina ha ayudado a incontables católicos a renovar su fe y a compartir el amor de Dios. A continuación, mencionamos algunos de los 252 proyectos financiados con los $6.2 millones que católicos en los Estados Unidos donaron a la colecta anual que los financió en el 2023. Ésta es solo una pequeña muestra de las múltiples maneras en las que esta colecta fortalece la fe de los católicos que viven en extrema pobreza, ayudándoles a cumplir con sus vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa consagrada, a amar a su prójimo y a cuidar de toda la creación de Dios.

streets. The archdiocesan Social Action Network is mobilizing hundreds of pastoral ministers, forming them in Catholic social teaching and skills such as fundraising and nonprofit management. A signature initiative enables people to save both money and the environment by recycling cooking oil to power vehicles, with oil collection points located in parishes and Catholic schools. For the World Day of the Poor, an archdiocesan festival offers music, haircuts, food, and medical care for the homeless; the highlight is a Eucharistic

BRAZIL In the Archdiocese of Sao Salvador de Bahia in northeastern Brazil, the program underwrites a robust approach to social outreach that helps parishioners respond to the call of Pope Francis and the Brazilian bishops to put church teachings into action, empowers them to work for public policy that prioritizes the poor, and gets all Catholics actively and respectfully engaged with homeless and vulnerable people living on the

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