Catechism of the Catholic Church
taking up and bearing one’s own, 1435, 1460, 1615, 1642, 2029, 2427 as the way to follow Christ, 555, 1816 as the way to holiness, 2015 Cruel practices , 2297‑98 Culture catechesis and diversity of, 24, 854 as the common good, 1908 freedom and, 1740 Gospel and, 2527 liturgical celebrations and, 1145, 1149, 1204, 1207, 1668, 1686 marriage and, 1606 moral life and, 909, 2524 natural law and, 1957 progress of culture and growth of the Kingdom, 2820 public life, participation, and, 1915, 1917 respect for cultural identities, 2441 social communication and, 2493 socialization and, 1882 solidarity and, 361 unity of the Church and diversity of cultures, 814 work, rest, and, 2184 Cup Jesus and the cup given him by his Father, 607 of the New Covenant and the Eucharist, 612, 1334‑35, 1339, 1365, 1396, 1412 religious significance of sharing, 1148 Daily significance of the word, 2837 Darkness faith leads us out of, 2466 light and darkness in Dualism and Manichaeism, 285 man’s struggle against the powers of, 409 Day of Christ’s Resurrection, 2174 of creation, 337, 2169
holy day of obligation and feast, 1389, 2177, 2181, 2185, 2187‑88 Judgment Day, 678, 681, 1040, 1059 the last, 841, 994, 1001, 2730 the Lord’s Day, 1166‑67, 2170, 2174‑88 resurrection on the last, 364, 989 the seventh, 345, after 2051, 2168‑73 Deacon(s) character imprinted on deacons in Holy Orders, 1570 diaconate as a degree of the sacrament of Holy Orders, 1554 as a help to the bishop and priests, 886, 1554, 1569, 1596 ordained “to the ministry,” 1538, 1569‑71 permanent diaconate, 1571 respect for, 896, 1554 solemnity in ordaining, 1572‑74 tasks of, 1256, 1570, 1588, 1596 Death “At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love,” 1022 bringing about the death of others, 2261, 2269, 2277, 2296 Christian, 1010‑14, 2299 Christian vision of death expressed in the liturgy, 1012 Christians in danger of, 1307, 1314, 1463, 1483, 1512 condition of passing from death to life, 1470 as the consequence of sin, 1008 to die in mortal sin, 1033 to die “with the sign of faith,” 1274 dying in Christ Jesus, 1005‑14 as the end of life, 1007 eternal death in hell, 1861 as a ground for meditation, 1687 preparation for, 1014 punishment of, 2267 respect for the bodies of the dead, 2300 and resurrection, 992, 996 suffering death for the sake of the faith, 1258 transformed by Christ, 1009
after death
call to share in the life of the Trinity, 265 destiny of the just, 989, 1027‑29 destiny of the soul, 366
of death, 1682 the eighth, 349 Forty days, 538, 540, 659
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