Catechism of the Catholic Church



final purification or Purgatory, 1030‑32, 1472 hell, 1033‑37 ( see also Hell) the Last Judgment, 1038‑41 living in heaven is “to be with Christ,” 1023‑26 no “reincarnation” after, 1013 no repentance after, 393 particular judgment, 1021‑22 resurrection of the flesh, 990, 996‑97 soul and body, 1005 Christian interpretations of death consequence of sin, 400‑03, 1008 end of earthly life, 1007 entry into eternal life, 1020 fulfillment of the new birth, 1682 participation in the death of the Lord, 1006 Jesus accepts, 609, 612 responsibility for, 597 significance of, 571, 599, 601, 605, 613‑14, 624 See also Christ: mysteries of Christ’s life Decalogue. See Commandments Deceased celebration of funerals, 1689 communion with the dead, 958 Eucharist and prayers in suffrage for the dead, 1032, 1056, 1371, 1414 indulgences for the dead, 1471, 1479 respect for the bodies of the dead, 2300 See also Funerals Decision free decision of the citizens, 1901 Defense positive meaning of, 1010‑14 sign of human weakness, 2448 death of Jesus characteristics of, 627 Christ’s descent into hell, 632‑35 effects of, 1019

as a grave duty for someone

responsible for another’s life, 2265

reasons for, 2264, 2309 right to, 1909, 2308

of one’s country, 2240 of peace, 2302‑17 Demography , 2372

Demon apostles and their power to cast out, 1506 Baptism as renunciation of the devil, 1237 deliverance from the Devil, 2850, 2853‑54 exorcisms for casting out, 517, 550, 1237, 1673 fallen angels, 391, 392, 414 idolatry and recourse to, 2113, 2116‑17 Jesus and His power over, 421, 447, 539, 550, 566, 635‑36, 1086, 1708 Jesus and temptations of the Devil, 538‑40, 566, 2119 man’s struggle against the power of darkness, 407, 409 meaning and etymology of the word “Devil,” 2851 origin of evil, 397, 413, 1707, 2583, 2851 works of the Devil, 394‑95, 398, 2851‑52 Desert interior desert and the eremitic life, 921 Jesus in the desert, 538‑40, 566 Desire anger as desire for revenge, 2302 battle against disordered, 2520 for Christ’s return, 524 condemnation of unruly, 1871, 2336, 2380, 2480, 2535‑40 for conversion, 1431 envy as desire for another’s good, 2539, 2553 God’s, 27‑30, 2736 for God’s kingdom, 2632, 2818 for the good, 1707, 1765 for happiness, 1718‑19, 1725, 2548 of the Holy Spirit, 2541‑43, 2737, 2764 Jesus’, 607, 1130 man and his desire for God, 2548‑50, 2557, 2566, 2589, 2709, 2784 for money, 2424

of the family, 2209, 2211 of human dignity, 1929 legitimate defense, 2263‑67

effects of, 2263 goals for, 2266

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