Catechism of the Catholic Church



beauty and goodness of, 299, 341, 353, 1333 catechesis about, 282‑89 Christ’s relationship with, 792, 2105, 2637 God as the master builder of, 317, 337 God’s plan and, 257, 280, 315, 759, 1066 God’s providence and, 216, 301, 314 God’s revelation and, 287‑89, 337 good of creation intended for all, 299, 2402, 2452 Holy Spirit and, 243, 291, 703 human dignity and, 1700 human work as man’s collaboration in, 2427, 2460 imperfection of, 302, 307, 310, 378 as an inheritance entrusted to man, 299 knowing God through, 31, 32, 1147, 2500 man’s relationship with, 343, 355, 396, 1469 marriage in the order of, 1603‑05 new creation in Christ, 315, 374 original sin and, 400, 1608 prayer and, 2569, 2793 purposes and reasons of, 293‑94, 314, 319, 353, 358 respect for the integrity of, 354, 2415‑18 role of the Word of God in, 291, 320 seventh day and, 2169, 2190 significance of, 326 thanksgiving to God for, 1352, 1359‑60 Trinity and, 258, 290‑92, 316 Creator. See God attachment of the soul to, 1394, 1472 Baptism makes a new, 1214, 1265‑66, 1999 beauty, goodness, and perfection of, 32, 339, 2500 destiny of, 260, 353 God and the origin of, 293, 327 God’s presence in, 300, 308 interdependence of creatures with each other, 340, 344 limitations proper to, 311, 385, 396, 1998 love of God and love of, 2069, 2093, 2095, 2113 fulfillment of, 668, 1015 God keeps in being, 421 Creature(s) angels and, 350

message of creation points to the existence of God, 46, 48 participation of creatures in God’s goodness, 295, 319 providence and the collaboration of, 301, 306, 312, 321, 323, 342, 373, 1884 relationship between creatures and man, 343 relationship between God and, 42‑43, 239, 295, 356, 441, 1703 respect for, 1930, 2416 submission of creatures to God, 49, 213, 396, 2097, 2628 and their likeness to God, 41, 2500 Creed/symbols of faith , 14, 184, 187‑88, 197 Apostles’ Creed, 194, 196, 2558 baptismal creed, 189 change throughout the centuries, 192‑93 component parts of the Creed, 190‑91 composition of the Creed, 186 God in the Creed, 199 meaning of the Creed, 188 Nicene Constantinopolitan Creed, 195 of the profession of faith, 187, 192 reciting the Creed, 197 Cremation , 2301 Cross as the altar of the New Covenant, 1182 Christ’s reign extended by the way of, 853 effects of the sacrifice of, 617, 813, 1505, 1741, 1992, 2305 Eucharist as the ever present sacrifice of, 1323, 1364‑66, 1382 kingdom of God established through Christ’s, 550 kingship of Christ and, 440 responsibility for the pain of, 598 sacrifice of the Cross and acceptance of it, 561 sacrifice of the Cross as an example of solidarity and charity, 1939 Sign of the Cross beginning of the day and of activities with, 2157, 2166 sacramentals and, 1668, 1671 significance of, 1235

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