
On the following pages you will learn about some of the ways that the $17.2 million given by Catholics like you have brought life, hope, and new unity in 2022. The impacts are as personal as the nun who helped a father in Ohio reunite with his sons from Mexico. They are as compassionate as the parish ioners who accompany Ukrainian refugees as they adapt to life in the United States. They are as crucial as the peace conference you sponsored for South Korean Catholics to discuss paths to reconciliation with North Korea. They are as practical as the new water systems you subsidized in drought-stricken Africa. And they are as promising as the cross-cultural conversations you made possible among young Catholic adults. When you encounter signs that our society is fragmenting, know that your Church is working against such division. Your gifts to The Catholic Relief Services Collection are making that good work possible. When you put the envelope in the parish collection basket for The Catholic Relief Services Collection, or give through your parish’s e-offertory system, you build a better world. For more information see . Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Rev. James S. Wall Bishop of Gallup Chairman, USCCB Committee on National Collections

2022 USCCB COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL COLLECTIONS ** CHAIRMAN Bishop James S. Wall, Diocese of Gallup SUBCOMMITTEE Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer, OFM Conv, Archdiocese of Atlanta Bishop Peter F. Christensen, Diocese of Boise Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Brooklyn


CHAIR Archbishop José H. Gomez,* Archdiocese of Los Angeles Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio,° Archdiocese of the Military Services, USA

The Administrative Committee is made up of the USCCB officers, elected chairmen of standing USCCB committees, and an elected representative from each episcopal region of the United States. The Administrative Committee operates as the governing body of the USCCB. STAFF Rev. Michael J. K. Fuller Mr. Anthony R. Picarello Jr., Esq. Ms. Theresa Ridderhoff Mr. James L. Rogers †Bishop O’Connell died in February 2023. *Archbishop Gomez served through November 2022. °Archbishop Broglio currently serves as chair. **The Committee on National Collections promotes The Catholic Relief Services Collection. The Administra tive Committee distributes collected funds. Members and staff listed here reflect 2022 membership.

Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, Diocese of Jefferson City Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton, Diocese of Steubenville †Bishop David G. O’Connell, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Los Angeles Bishop Peter L. Smith, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon STAFF Ms. Mary Mencarini Campbell, Executive Director, Office of National Collections

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