

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Are you, like me, saddened by a world that often seems hopelessly divided, where bombs are falling and even some Catholic families can no longer hold respectful discussions about concerns as important as the sanctity of life, immigration and racism? Then I want to assure you that, with your help, The Catholic Relief Services Collection of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is bringing hope, offering vital assistance, and paving the way for reconciliation. As chairman of the US bishops’ Committee on National Collections, I can attest to the lives you have saved and changed through your generosity to this collection. Although it shares its name with the Church’s flagship humanitarian agency in the United States, Catholic Relief Services, it supports four other agencies of the US bishops and one affiliated with our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Your gifts help Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to provide global assistance to victims of war, natural disaster, and dire poverty; Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. (CLINIC) to provide legal assistance with the immigration process; the USCCB Migration and Refugee Services to coordinate refugee resettlement; the USCCB Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development to advocate for human rights and promote Catholic social teaching; and the USCCB Secretar iat for Cultural Diversity in the Church to provide evangelization and ministry among immigrant groups, ethnic minorities, and marginalized cultures in the United States. This collection also supports the Holy Father’s Relief Fund, which allows Pope Francis to respond quickly in the name of Jesus to crises worldwide.

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