

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The bishops of the United States founded the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) in 1969 to give us all an opportunity to apply Catholic social teaching in ways that transform lives and improve communities by addressing the root causes of poverty and injustice. CCHD is about helping the poor to rise from poverty, to become skilled workers, and to advocate for policies that will help others do the same. CCHD is about providing needed local services and creating wholesome entry-level jobs that pay a living wage. CCHD is about showing that God and the Catholic Church care for the poorest person on the peripheries of our country. Most importantly, CCHD is about empowering organizations led by people on the margins to work for change at the grassroots level in their local communities, rather than excluding them and dictating top-down solutions. All of this work is done within the fullness of Catholic social teaching and our commitment to protect every human life from conception until natural death. Although many organizations that CCHD funds are interfaith, all must pledge that nothing they do—and no coalition in which they participate—has an agenda that contradicts Catholic moral or social teaching. Furthermore, their work must be nonpartisan—and approved by the local bishop. The $12.77 million that CCHD distributed in 2022 funded 192 grants to organizations that are making our nation a better place for all of us. These grants are possible only thanks to the generosity of parishioners who give to the annual collection for CCHD. Of the four organizations featured in this annual report, two are small nonprofits that train and hire the homeless and benefit the environment at the same time. Northwest

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