Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests
276. Sacramental Practice: Priests who do not celebrate Mass daily unless assigned are depriving themselves of graces and of an intimacy with God that is particular to their vocation. Also, the failure to regularly make use of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation makes a priest vulner able to falls and could alienate him from God’s mercy.
277. Relationship with God: A priest who articulates a true loss of faith or extreme distance from God needs a referral for a spiritual assessment.
278. Spiritual Direction: Many priests lack a spiritual director, a lack that is deleterious for one’s vocational and ministerial health. However, if spiritual direction is regularly provided and significant problems persist, a spiritual assessment is indicated.
279. The foregoing inventory provides an opportunity to analyze various sources of stress that can contribute to deterioration in physical, psychological, and spiritual health. After the priest writes out responses to each subtopic, reviewing them with an objective, balanced perspective is important. Rarely is the news all bad. After reflecting on both strengths and weaknesses, the diocesan bishop or his delegate needs to weigh this basic question: Is the priest managing the stress, or is stress managing him? If stress has the upper hand and there are signs of dysfunction, then it is important to address those areas that need more attention. Sometimes the priest needs to simply change certain routines and set a few simple goals. However, the diocesan bishop or his delegate may find it necessary to request a referral for further physical, psychological, or spiritual assessment. 280.
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