Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests


video conferencing, this lack is cause for concern. Also, a priest who cannot identify someone with whom he can freely share in depth is at greater risk for succumbing to emotional problems. Peer Relationships: All priests need supportive relationships with other clergy. Although some priests are comfortable being loners or prefer mixing with laity, they should at least be comfortable mixing with peers at official gatherings. A lack of peer relationships is cause for concern. Pastoral Relationships: Effective shepherding of the flock requires establishing close relationships with parishioners. Although most often these develop into healthy friendships, sometimes they can evolve into unhealthy and emotionally charged relationships. Such a development can signal the abuse of power, temptations against chastity, and codependency. Such situations are not healthy for either individual. 270. 271. 272. Attitude Toward Ministry: Burnout among priests occurs primarily when they lose interest in ministry. An interest level of 5 or below on a scale of 1 to 10 is of concern. Parish Staff Issues: Staff shortages or frequent turnover can be cause for concern, as well as problems collaborating with parishioners, staff, fellow priests, diocesan personnel, and others. Relationships with Superiors: It is important for a diocesan bishop or his delegate to consider whether a priest seems comfortable with him or anyone else in the leadership circle. A priest who is unable to communicate with the diocesan bishop or his delegates may simply be resis tant; but if other concerns arise, the lack of a relationship can exacerbate the problem. 273. 274. MINISTERIAL ENVIRONMENT PROBLEMS


275. Prayer: Priests who do not pray daily are at risk. Questions about actual time spent with Liturgy of the Hours, sacraments, and private prayer will help uncover the reality of how much prayer is a part of a priest’s life.

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