Catechism of the Catholic Church



Conception of Christ, 466, 496, 498, 505

intercession as an expression of, 1055, 2635 significance of, 1331 Community Baptism and, 1253, 1255 of believers, 1045 celebration of funerals and, 1684, 1687 the Church as communion, 751‑52, 771, 833, 899 common good and, 1910‑11, 1922 Confirmation and responsibilities in the ecclesial, 1309, 1319 ecclesial community and the apostolate of the laity, 900, 910 ecclesial community and prayer, 2632, 2691, 2696 economic activity, social justice, and the human, 2411, 2426, 2428 Eucharist and the community of the Christian faithful, 1166, 1400 faith and community of believers, 1102 families in difficult situations and, 1649, 1651 first community of believers and their faith, 642, 949, 2624 forgiveness and reintegration into the, 1443 government of human, 1884, 1898, 1901, 1919, 2213 liturgy and, 1071, 1140‑41, 1198 marital community and the family, 1644, 1666, 2201, 2204, 2206‑07, 2249‑50, 2364 mission to establish Christian, 854 parish as communion, 2179, 2226 political community and the Church, 2244‑46 and the family, 2209, 2211 and the rights and duties of citizens, 2239, 2242 priesthood and the community of believers, 1546, 1551 religious freedom and religious communities, 2107 universal, 842 vocation of the human, 1877 Compassion Christ’s compassion towards men, 1503, 1506, 2448, 2571, 2575, 2715 God’s, 270 man’s compassion in forgiveness, 2843

Immaculate Conception, 490‑93 and respect for human life, 2270, 2273‑74, 2323, 2378 and the right to life, 2322 Concupiscence the Commandments and, 2529, 2534 fight against, 978, 1264, 1426, 2520, 2530 of the flesh, 2514, 2520 Law and, 1963, 2542 meaning and kinds of, 2514‑15 original sin and, 376, 400, 405 purification of the heart and, 2517, 2530 sin and, 1869 See also Desire; Lust Condemnation of abortion, 2322 of adultery, 2380 authorities and condemnation of those who resist them, 1899 cause of damnation, 1037 “Eats and drinks judgment upon himself,” 1385 false witness and condemnation of the innocent, 2476 of irreligion in the first commandment, 2118 the Last Judgment and, 1039 original sin and condemnation of man, 402 of polytheism, 2112 of rifts in the Church, 817 of sin, 1458 of sins, 1034 Confession. See Penance and Reconciliation

Configuration Anointing of the Sick and

configuration to Christ’s passion, 1521, 1523 Baptism and configuration to the Paschal mystery of Christ, 1239 to Christ in the Christian, 1121 to Christ in Holy Orders, 1322, 1585

of penitents in Christ, 1460 of the sick in Christ, 1505 Confirmation , 1285‑1321

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