Catechism of the Catholic Church



tradition of the Church and, 2064‑68, 2078 unity of, 2069, 2079 Commending the soul , 690, 1020 Commitment chastity as a personal, 2344 of Christians, 1319, 2046 of the family in relation to the community, 2208 in marriage, 2381, 2390 missionary, 854 response of faith as, 1102, 1428 self‑mastery as a long and exacting, 2342 in social interchange, 1913, 1940, 1947 Common good action, social justice, and the, 1807, 1928, 2239, 2442 the Church and, 2246, 2420, 2458 communication, information, and, 2489, 2492, 2494, 2498 conditions of, 1907‑09, 1924‑25 economy and, 2425, 2429, 2432 good of each individual and, 801, 951, 1905, 2039 immigration and, 2241 international society and, 1911, 1927 law and, 1951, 1976 legitimate civil authority and, 1888, 1897‑98, 1901‑03, 1921‑22, 2238, 2309, 2406, 2498 legitimate defense of, 2238, 2242, 2265‑67, 2310, 2321 man’s duties and, 1880, 2237‑41, 2288 meaning and end of, 1906, 1912, 1925 obligation to promote, 1913‑14, 1916, 1926 political community, the state, and the, 1910, 1927, 2239 political rights granted according to the requirements of, 2237 private property and, 2401, 2403 religious freedom and, 2109 respect for the world and, 2415 work stoppages and, 2435 Communication between the Catholic Church and the Eastern churches, 1399 of God’s goodness, 294, 947

peace and communication among men, 2304 sacramental communication of Christ’s mystery, 947, 1076, 1092 of salvation, 1088 social communication media, 906, 2492‑96 ( see also Mass media) of spiritual goods, 955 truth and, 1886, 2488‑89, 2495, 2512 Communion among men, 357, 775, 1445, 1702, 2419 between the divine persons, 267, 738, 1693 between man and woman, 371‑72, 383, 2331‑32 of the bishop with the Christian faithful, 84, 1301 catechesis and communion with Christ, 426 of charisms, 951 of charity, 953 the Church and ( see Church) of the Church of heaven and earth, 954‑59 with the dead, 958, 1684, 1689, 1690 ecclesial communion and the family, 2204‑05 and schism, 2089 and sin, 1440, 1446, 1448, 1455 Eucharistic ( see Eucharist) in faith, 154, 185, 188, 949, 1102, 1209 friendship as spiritual, 2347 of the Holy Spirit, 734, 1097, 1108‑09, liturgy and, 1071, 1136 of man with Christ, 533, 725, 787, 790, 1331 with the divine persons, 259, 732, 737, 850, 1107 with God, 27, 45, 54, 154, 613, 780, 1489, 1804 with the mysteries of Jesus, 519‑21 prayer as, 2565, 2655, 2682, 2689, 2713, 2799, 2801 of the sacraments, 950 sacraments at the service of, 790, 1126, 1533‑35 of spiritual goods, 949, 952 of the Supreme Pontiff with the bishops, 85, 100, 816, 892, 895 Communion of saints , 946‑62 diverse spiritualities and, 2684

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