SOLIDARITY FUND FOR THE CHURCH IN AFRICA Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Other Changes in Net Assets for the Year Ending December 31, 2023.
REVENUES National Collections Contributions
Income on Investments
Total Revenue
EXPENSES Grants and Donations*
$2,110,175 $510,169 $158,843
73.39% 17.74% 5.52% 3.34% 100%
Program Costs
Promotions and Fundraising Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Total Expenses
$2,875,185 $2,110,175
Total Grants & Donations
5.52% 3.34%
Changes in Net Assets from Operations Non-Operating Activities: Unrealized Gain on Investments
$471,184 $873,337 $2,866,324 $3,739,661
Changes in Net Assets
Net Assets at the Beginning of the Year Net Assets at the End of the Year
*Grants approved in 2023 totaled $2,108,250. Grants and donations in 2023 totaled $2,110,175, including payments and write-offs to grants approved in 2023 and prior years.
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