
THE CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION Total Expenses for the Year Ending December 31, 2022




• Allocations-Internal Grants • Promotions and Fundraising Expenses • Program Costs TOTAL EXPENSES $1,154,925

*As footnoted in the 2021 annual report, the USCCB transitioned to awarding grants based on actual revenue instead of projected revenues. Full implementation covered two years, 2021 and 2022. For the year ended December 31, 2022 the effect of that change is most clearly evident in the Expenses: Grants and Donations line which is zero. Accounting requirements dictate how and where those expenses are recorded and presented; accordingly, they were properly accounted for in 2021 as amounts being owed to (a liability) CRS versus an expense. Conversely, the Revenues: National Collections Contributions were properly recorded in 2022 as $17.2 million. Grant payments resumed in 2023 and are now based on actual revenue.

**Internal grants include distributions from The Catholic Relief Services Collection for USCCB programs for education and outreach on Catholic social teaching, international peace-building efforts, and pastoral ministries to ethnic groups and people on the move.

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