Catechism of the Catholic Church



Enjoyment of earthly goods, 1716, 1740 inordinate, 2351‑53 of Trinitarian life, 1721‑22 Envy as a capital sin, 2538‑40, 2553‑54 Epiclesis in the celebration of the Anointing of the Sick, 1519 in the celebration of marriage, 1624 effects of the prayer of, 1238, 1297 as the heart of the Eucharistic celebration, 1106 meaning of, 1105, 1109, 1353 the “Our Father” as a summary of, 2770 signs and motions in, 699 Epiphany meaning of the, 528, 1171 Episcopacy as participation in the priesthood of Christ, 1554 as the sacrament of apostolic ministry, 1536 See also Bishop Episcopal body. See Episcopal college Episcopal college authority and, 883‑84 Bishop of Rome and, 936 bishops and, 877 the Church and, 857, 869 consecration of the bishop and, 1559 expression of, 885 infallibity of, 891 particular churches and collegial spirit, 886‑87 Equality among men, 1934‑35 among the Christian faithful, 872 and difference between man and woman, 369 Error(s) aids in removing

cooperation of parents in education of their children, 2206 effects and fruits of, 1839, 1917 in the faith and consequences of neglecting it, 2125 in freedom, 2370, 2526 freedom to educate children in the faith and in the political community, 2211 impediments to education of children, 1634 marriage and the education of children, 1601, 1652, 2201 parents as the first and principal educators of their children, 1653, 2206, 2372 religious formation ( see Formation) right and duty of parents to educate their children, 1653, 2221, 2223, 2372 right to make education accessible, 1908, 1911 right to receive a proper sexual, 2344 See also Formation Elderly family and care for, 2208 service of, 2186 End death as the end of life on earth, 1013, 1021 God, the beginning and the end of everything, 198 of time, 682, 686, 865, 1042, 1048, 1059 See also Consummation; Fulfillment Enemy bodily death as man’s “last enemy,” 1008 hatred of one’s, 1933 loving one’s enemies and forgiving them, 1825, 1933, 1968, 2262, 2303, 2647, 2844 man the enemy of his fellow man, 2259 Engaged people chastity, continence, and fidelity of, 2350 marital courtship as preparation for marriage, 1632

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