Catechism of the Catholic Church
Divine Persons actions of the Persons that manifest their properties, 258, 267 Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, 466, 468, 470, 473, 477, 481, 483, 626 distinction of, 254, 266, 680 God the Father, First Person of the Trinity, 198 Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, 245, 684‑86, 731 meaning of the term “Person” in the Trinity, 252 relationships between, 255 unity of the nature of, 202, 253 See also Trinity Divinity false, 1723, 2112 God the Father as the source and origin of the whole, 245 of the Holy Spirit, 245, 684 of the Holy Trinity, 253‑54, 266 of Jesus, 209, 455, 464‑69, 484, 515, 653, 663, 1374, 1413 participation of man in divinity of God, 460 Divisions among the disciples, 1336 among the Jerusalem authorities concerning Jesus, 595‑96 cause of divisions among Christians, 821 consequences of Christian, 855 human division overcome by the unity of the Mystical Body, 791, 866 the “Our Father” prayer as a common patrimony notwithstanding, 2791‑92 Divorce consequences of divorce between Catholic spouses, 1650, 1664, 2384‑85, 2400 definition of, 2384 indissolubility of marriage and, 2382 innocence of an unjustly abandoned spouse, 2386 legitimacy of civil, 2383 works of charity for those who have undergone, 1651
Disciples of Christ as brother of Christ, 654 common vocation of, 1533 communion between Jesus and, 787‑88 Confirmation as assumption of the responsibility of, 1319 formation of, 1248 gifts given over by Christ to, 908 Jesus’ invitation that we may become His disciples, 520 nourishment for, 1275, 1494, 1709, 2601, 2844 prayer of, 2612, 2621 powers of, 983 requirements and essential duties of, 562, 915, 1693, 1816, 1823, 1986, 2262, 2347, 2427, 2466, 2612 unity of, 820, 2791 vocation of, 618, 767 what it means to become, 546, 2475, 2614 Disciples of Jesus of Nazareth experience of the disciples before the reality of the risen Jesus, 643‑44 first, 949 Holy Spirit, sent by Jesus to his disciples, 696, 730, 788, 2623 Last Supper and, 1339 manifestation of the risen Christ to, 645, 647 miracles performed by disciples in the name of Jesus, 434, 1506 mission of, 542 prayer taught to, 2701, 2722, 2759 proclamation of, 425 reaction of, 1336 witness of the Resurrection historically confirmed by, 656 Discrimination access to employment without unjust, 2433 action incompatible with God’s design, 1935 unjust discrimination against homosexuals, 2358 Divination as an activity contrary to God, 2115‑17, 2138 Divine pedagogy , 53, 708, 1950, 1964
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