Catechism of the Catholic Church



age for receiving, 1307‑08 apostolate of the laity and, 900, 941 character of, 698, 1121, 1304‑05, 1317 New Law and, 1210 preparation and purposes for, 1309 priesthood of the Christian faithful and, 1546 salvation and, 1286‑92 significance of, 1289 state required for receiving, 1310, 1318‑19 who may receive the sacrament of, 1306‑11 witness and, 2472 See also Chrism; Sacrament(s) increase of baptismal grace, 1303, 1316 indelible character of, 1304‑05, 1317 the outpouring of the Spirit, 1302 the Seal and, 698, 1121 anointing, 695, 1242, 1291, 1294, 1300, 1523 celebration separate from Baptism, 1233, 1290, 1321 to be conferred only once, 1304 godfather and godmother, 1311 handing over of the Lord’s Prayer, 2769 Holy chrism, 1297 laying on of hands, 1288 minister of, 1312‑14, 1318 signs and rites of, 1293‑1301, 1320 Conflict(s) armed conflicts and accumulation of arms, 2315‑16 armed conflicts and the moral law, 2312, 2328 between divine law and the law of sin, 2542 between good and evil, 285 in marriage, 1606 social conflicts and economic activity, 1940, 2424, 2430 Conjugal fidelity , 1646 ‑51 , 2364 ‑65 Rite of Confirmation, 1297‑1301 Confirmation and the sacraments Christian initiation and, 695, 1212, 1275, 1285, 1533 effects of Confirmation

concubinage and, 2390 divorce and conjugal fidelity of a spouse who has abandoned the sacrament of Matrimony, 2386 gift of the Holy Spirit, 1624 motive for, 1647‑48 obligation of, 1643‑44, 1646, 2363

separation and, 1649 significance of, 2365 witness of, 1611, 2223 Conscience , 1776‑1802 authority and, 1903

conduct, choices, and, 1786‑89, 1799 conversion and, 1435, 1453, 1797, 1848 definition and significance of, 1776, 1778, 1795 divine law and, 1706, 1776, 1778, 1786‑87 erroneous judgment and, 1790‑94, 1801 faith and, 160, 162, 1802 forgiveness of sins and, 1454, 1468, 1493, 1496 formation of, 1783‑85, 1798, 1802 hearing the voice of, 1779, 1800 human dignity and moral, 1700, 1780, 2524 judgment of, 1777, 1800 mass media and the formation of, 2496 moral reparation and duty of, 2487 morality of human acts and, 1749, 1751, 1796 ( see also Human act; Morality) prudence and, 1806 refusal to bear arms for reasons of, 2311 responsibility for acts and, 1781 right to act in accordance with, 1786‑89, 1799, 1907, 2106, 2242, 2256 right to act in freedom of, 1782 rights, duties, and conscience, 912 salvation and, 847 sin and offense against right, 1849, 1860, 1865 voice of, 33, 46, 1706, 1776, 1779, 1795, 2071 Conscientious objection. See Refusal to obey

Consecration and the anaphora, 1352 and anointing, 1294

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