Catechism of the Catholic Church



Chrism anointing with sacred, 1241, 1289, 1291, 1294, 1312, 1574 Confirmation and, 1289, 1297, 1300, 1312, 1320 ( See also Confirmation) consecration of, 1297 reservation of the sacred, 1183 Christ. See also Messiah Body of Christ change of the bread into, 1106, 1333, 1353, 1376, 1411, 1413 communion and, 1385 communion of Christian faithful in Christ and, 948, 960 daily bread and, 2835, 2837, 2861 death of Christ and of His body, 627, 630 Eucharist and the, 1323, 1331, 1339, 1374‑75, 1382, 1391, 1393, 1416 glorification of Christ’s body, 659 Holy Spirit and, 797‑98, 1084, 1108 Mary and the, 466, 488, 973 offering the sacrifice of Christ’s body, 606, 610, 621 resurrection of, 640, 645‑46, 648, 657

Jesus and the little, 699, 1244, 1261 life must be transmitted to, 372 origin of rights and duties with respect to, 1631 as prostitutes, 2355 regulation of births, 2368 respect for the vocation of, 2232‑33 sexual abuses perpetrated against, 2389 as subjects of God’s Kingdom, 559 as the supreme gift of conjugal love, 1664, 2373‑79 what is demanded for the good of, 1646, 2381 See also Education; Family; Marriage; Parents Children of God adopted, 1, 52, 270, 294, 422, 654, 1709, 2009 aids to living the life of, 736, 1568, 1813, 1831, 1996, 2157, 2650, 2766 childlike abandonment of, 305, 2830 Church, mother and home of, 808, 1186 connection and unity of, 706, 831, 845, 855, 959, 1097, 1108 dignity of the, 2736 filial boldness in prayer, 2610, 2777 filial conversion to the Father, 2608 God’s actions with respect to His children, 104, 239, 305 prayer of, 2565, 2673, 2712, 2766 presence of the Holy Spirit in, 742, 2639 reborn in the sacraments, 1213, 1243, 1250, 1692 sacraments as a meeting of children of God with the Father, 1153 Choice(s) according to conscience, 1777, 1786‑89, 1799 beatitudes and decisive moral, 1723 grace of Baptism as a grace of free election, 1308 hell as a free, 1033 Israel, the chosen people, 60, 762 man’s freedom to choose, 311, 1470 object of choice and the morality of actions, 1755 radical choice asked of each one by Christ, 546

true humanity of, 476 veneration of, 103, 141

Christ and the Church Christ

beginning, foundation and Head of the Church, 2, 424, 551‑53, 771, 778, 807, 864, 874 bestows qualities on the Church, 811, 889‑90 leads the Church, 551, 852, 1547 only gateway, 754 origin of the Church, 424, 763‑67 origin of the Church’s Magisterium, 88 pillar of the Church, 820, 822‑24, 830, 837, 869, 1076, 1547 presence in the Church, 775, 779, 1119 priesthood, 941, 1544‑45 Baptism and Christ, 1261 Body of Christ, 787‑96, 805 bride of Christ, 757, 772‑73, 796, 808, 823, 867, 926, 1617 communion with Christ, 787‑89

the Church

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