Program of Priestly Formation 6th edition

The Life of Priests

37. When the Second Vatican Council’s decree Presbyterorum Ordinis speaks of “the life of priests,” it refers to the whole of their existence but especially to the spiritual dimension that is at the center of all life. In a world that is increasingly secular in its outlook, it is especially important to note and hold fast to the one necessary thing (see Lk 10:42). Along with all the baptized who have been given new life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, priests are called with their brothers and sisters to live out their baptismal call as disciples of Jesus Christ and to grow in holiness. 58 While growth in discipleship is a lifelong journey, semi nary formation is a privileged time for the future priest to discover that he is a “mystery to himself.” 59 He will need to discover his talents and gifts and to recognize his limits and frailty, so that “the vocation to the priest hood does not become imprisoned in an abstract ideal, nor run the risk of reducing itself to a merely practical and organizational activism, removed from the conscience of the person.” 60 At the same time, priests are called to a specific vocation to holi ness in virtue of their new consecration in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a consecration that configures them to Christ the Head and Shepherd, Servant and Spouse. This configuration to Christ, a sacramental char acter effected by the Holy Spirit, prepares the priest for the mission and ministry which is specific to him 61 and which obliges him to be a “living instrument of Christ the eternal priest” and to act “in the name and in the person of Christ himself” and with his entire “life,” called to witness in a fundamental way to the “radicalism of the Gospel.” 62 38. 39.

58 See Lumen Gentium , nos. 39-42; Pastores Dabo Vobis , no. 20; CIC, c. 210; and CCEO, c. 13. 59 Ratio Fundamentalis , no. 28. 60 Ratio Fundamentalis , no. 43. 61 See Catechism of the Catholic Church , no. 1563. 62 Pastores Dabo Vobis , no. 20.

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