Preaching the Mystery of Faith
• At the same time, the gap between rich and poor seems to be growing in our society, and a severe economic crisis takes a terrible toll. • Although there have been advances made to overcome the sin of racism, we still have attitudes of prejudice that violate the dignity of the human person. • While many young adults are idealistic and search out ways to be of ser vice to society, there is also grave concern that the participation of young adults in the life of the Church has declined in a significant way. We also recognize that many Catholics, even those who are devoted to the life of the Church and hunger for a deeper spirituality, seem to be unin formed about the Church’s teaching and are in need of a stronger catechesis. At a time when living an authentic Christian life leads to complex chal lenges, people need to be nourished all the more by the truth and guidance of their Catholic faith. Aware of this present social context and realizing the need for a deeper evangelization among our Catholic population, with renewed vigor the Church’s preachers must inspire and instruct the faithful in the beauty and truth of Catholic Tradition and practice. We believe that the current circumstances of our world and the call for a fresh spirit of evangelization provide a connection between Fulfilled in Your Hearing and the present document. The former gave particular attention to the dynamics of composing an effective Sunday homily—practical wisdom that remains valid. Yet the homilist of today must realize that he is addressing a congregation that is more culturally diverse than previously, one that is pro foundly affected by the surrounding secular agenda and, in many instances, inadequately catechized. The Church’s rich theological, doctrinal, and cate chetical tradition must therefore properly inform the preaching task in its liturgical setting, for Jesus Christ must be proclaimed in a new way and with new urgency, and the Sunday liturgy remains the basic setting in which most adult Catholics encounter Christ and their Catholic faith. Therefore this statement will give special attention to the biblical and theological founda tions for effective liturgical preaching and will consider the proper connec tion between the Sunday homily and the Church’s liturgy and catechesis. We intend that this theological and pastoral reflection on the Sunday homily will be followed by the publication of practical resources that will help renew the preaching ministry of the Church, so urgent at this time.
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