National Directory
Chapter Three Dimensions in the Formation of Deacons I. Introduction
112. THREE SEPARATE BUT INTEGRAL STAGES constitute a unified diocesan formation program for deacons: the two initial formation stages of aspirant and candidate, and the post-ordination stage of ongo ing formation. Although this National Directory addresses each stage sep arately, they nevertheless become “one sole organic journey” in diaconal formation. 1 In each stage, the four dimensions or specific areas in forma tion — human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral—are always essential. 2 II. Dimensions of Formation 113. One who will serve as a deacon requires a formation that promotes the development of the whole person. Therefore, the four dimensions in formation should be so interrelated as to achieve a continual integra tion of their objectives in the life of each participant and in his exercise of ministry. 3
Human Dimension
114. A participant comes to initial formation with a history of interrela tionships with other people. Initial formation for ministry begins with human formation and development. Participants “should therefore
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