National Directory



retreats, workshops). Policies should be established and followed con sistently in each diocese regarding the parties (for example, the dio cese, the parish, and the candidate) who are responsible for formation expenses.

Loss of Diaconal Status

106. A deacon can lose the clerical state by canonical dismissal or by a rescript granted by the Holy See. Deacons who lose the clerical state are no longer bound by the obligations arising from Holy Orders and do not enjoy the rights, offices, functions, and powers accorded clerics in the Church.

Withdrawal of Diaconal Faculties

107. If the ministry of a permanent deacon becomes ineffective or even harmful due to some personal difficulties or irresponsible behavior, his ministerial assignment and/or faculties are to be withdrawn by the diocesan bishop in accord with canon law.

Diocesan Liability

108. The diocesan bishop must provide for insurance regarding the liability of the diocese for actions taken by a permanent deacon in the course of his public official ministry.The same policies that govern liability for priests in the diocese are to be applicable to permanent deacons.

Service of a Deacon from Another Diocesan Church

109. A diocesan bishop is under no obligation to accept a permanent deacon—ordained or incardinated elsewhere—for assignment to a diocesan or parochial ministry. Nevertheless, because a permanent

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