National Directory
23 Bishops’ Committee on the Permanent Diaconate, NCCB, A National Study of the Permanent Diaconate in the United States (Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1981), 1. 24 Bishops’ Committee on the Permanent Diaconate, National Study , 1. 25 PDG (1984).The committee under the chairmanship of Most Rev. John J. Snyder began the revision. It was completed under the chairmanship of Most Rev. John F. 27 Bishops’ Committee on the Permanent Diaconate, NCCB, Service Ministry of the Deacon , written by Rev.Timothy J. Shugrue (Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1988). 28 Bishops’ Committee on the Permanent Diaconate, NCCB, Foundations for the Renewal of the Diaconate (Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1993). 29 Bishops’ Committee on the Diaconate, NCCB, Deacons: Ministers of Justice and Charity [video], ed. Deacon Richard Folger (1998). 30 Most Rev. Crescenzio Sepe, Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy, Address to the National Catholic Diaconate Conference, New Orleans, LA (July 21, 1994). 31 PDV. 32 Congregation for the Clergy, Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Washington, DC: Libreria Editrice Vaticana–United States Catholic Conference, 1994). 33 Sepe, Address. 34 BNFPD and DMLPD, joint declaration. 35 These concerns centered upon an incorrect understanding of the role of the deacon in the hierarchical structure of the Church, of the doctrine on ministries, on the role of the laity and the role of women, as well as on concerns regarding selection, adequate intellectual formation, and proper pastoral ministries for deacons. See Sepe, Address. 36 PDO. 37 BNFPD and DMLPD, joint introduction, no. 2; see BNFPD, no. 14. 38 BNFPD, no. 90; DMLPD, no. 82. Additional Vatican documents relevant to the formation and ministry of deacons include the following: 1. Guide for Catechists (1993), issued by the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples, which proposes educational and formational models. As required by the Congregation for Catholic Education in BNFPD, diaconal formation is to encompass more than catechist formation and is to be more analogous to the formation of priests. Guide for Catechists provides universal guidelines for catechist formation. 2. The General Directory for Catechesis (1997), from the Congregation for the Clergy, provides insightful criteria in proposing appropriate adult education methodologies and for establishing parameters for an authentic and complete theological study. The Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest (1997), signed by the heads of eight dicasteries of the Kinney. 26 STVI.
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