National Directory
local Church as well as with ethnic or national or language populations within the diocese.
290. Professors are nominated by the director of formation and are approved and appointed by the diocesan bishop in the freestanding structure, college/university-related model, and diocesan or religious seminary model. In the collaborative model, responsibility belongs to those who hold ecclesiastical jurisdiction; other diocesan bishops who participate should be accorded a voice in the governance of the formation pro gram.The professors contribute in a significant way to the formation of future deacons. The Congregation for Catholic Education has formu lated, in its Directives Concerning the Preparation of Seminary Educators , specific criteria to guide the selection of professors; these criteria apply to the selection of diaconal professors as well. 15 The criteria estab lished by the Congregation are highlighted in the notes of this chap ter. 16 Upon appointment by the diocesan bishop, professors who are charged with teaching philosophical or theological studies must make the Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity. 17 Professors must have an appropriate understanding of, and respect for, the proper levels of confidentiality to be observed in formation in the external forum and, if serving as a spiritual director, in the internal forum.
291. Each professor is expected to do the following: a. Submit a course outline and list of required textbooks.
b. Participate in the assessment of aspirants or candidates for their continuance in the formation process and eventual readiness for ordination to the diaconate. c. Be available for student consultation, providing feedback to them
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