National Directory



can be found in norms 5 through 12 at the end of this chapter. The intellectual dimension is “oriented toward ministry, providing the can didate with the knowledge and appreciation of the faith that he needs in order to carry out his ministry” 17 of word, liturgy, and charity. The course of study is to be complete and must be in harmony with the magisterial teaching of the Church so that the future deacon is a “reli able witness of the faith and spokes[man] for the Church’s teaching.” 18 It should also take into account the specific diaconal services the can didate will provide in the communities that he will be appointed to serve, as well as topics that reflect the specific concerns of the Church in the United States of America. The intellectual dimension must equip the candidate for his leadership and participation in the new evangelization and for his effective heralding of the Gospel in today’s society. Studies of Sacred Scripture, Liturgy, canon law, marriage and family, lay spirituality, social doctrine, evangelization, and missiology are to be given prominence. 228. “During formation, engagement in a wide diversity of” pastoral place ments, “at least on a limited basis, will not only give the candidate a greater awareness of the needs and mission of the [diocesan] Church, but will assist in the discernment and development of his own . . . talents and gifts.” 19 These pastoral experiences “should provide an opportunity for theological reflection, as well as occasions to trans late” intellectual knowledge into pastoral service. 20 A description of the core content for the formation of candidates can be found in norms 13 through 15 at the end of this chapter. “Competent, objective,” and supportive supervisors will be required in order to help the candidate to achieve these goals. 21 The diocesan Church “must be committed to the [selection and] preparation of skillful . . . supervisors who possess pastoral experience, [training] . . . in the art of supervision, and . . . [the ability to assist] mature men with [diverse] life experiences.” 22 During candidacy, emphasis also is to be given to the study of the role of culture in human, spiritual, and pastoral formation. Further, the Pastoral Dimension

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