National Directory



experience where dialogue and collaborative activity provide a unique opportunity for adults to discern the activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives and experiences. 218. To create an environment conducive to adult Christian formation, the director of formation should maintain and make readily accessible a candidate handbook that details the components of the program; pro vides the rationale, criteria, and guidance for assessments, especially regarding readiness for institution into the ministries of lector and aco lyte and, ultimately, for ordination to the diaconate; and clearly delin eates the expectations and responsibilities of the candidate, including the wife of a married candidate. This handbook is to be approved by the diocesan bishop. 8 219. The community of deacons can be a “precious support in the dis cernment of vocation, in human growth, in the initiation to the spiritual life, in theological study and pastoral experience.” 9 Sched uled opportunities for conversation and shared pastoral experiences between a candidate and a deacon, as well as meetings between the wife of a candidate and the wife of a deacon, can mutually sustain their enthusiasm and realism about the diaconate. Some exemplary deacons in addition to priests should be appointed by the diocesan bishop to serve as mentors to individual candidates or a small group of candidates. 10 The Community of Deacons

The Parish Community

220. The parish community is an essential extension of the formation com munity.Through its prayer and support, the parish “makes the faithful aware of this ministry, [and] gives to the candidate a strong aid to his vocational discernment.” 11

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