National Directory
III. Assessment for Nomination into the Candidate Stage of Formation
206. The conclusion of the aspirant stage of formation is determined through a formal assessment conducted by the committee on admission. This occurs when the aspirant (with the consent of his wife, if married), with the express permission of those responsible for his formation, makes a written petition to the diocesan bishop for admission to candidacy. 207. When the decision to petition for candidacy is determined, the follow ing documents are to be prepared: a. A personal, handwritten, and signed letter prepared for the diocesan bishop by the aspirant requesting admission to the candidate stage of formation, as well as the reception of the Rite of Admission to Candidacy. 16 In his letter, the aspirant must state his motivation and reasons for the requests. If he is married, he must indicate his aware ness of the impact of diaconal ordination and ministry on his mar riage and family; he also must state that he has received the consent of his wife. If he is not married, he should indicate his awareness of the meaning of diaconal ordination and ministry, as well as his under standing of and ability to live the requirement of perpetual celibacy, which also applies to a married deacon should his wife predecease him following ordination or in the event of a subsequent civil divorce. 17 b. A personal, handwritten, and signed letter of consent prepared by the married aspirant’s wife. 18 208. The following assessments are to be conducted and maintained in the aspirant’s and candidate’s permanent file: a. Written pastoral supervisors’ assessments and reports b. Written parochial assessments prepared by the pastor and parish staff c. If applicable, a written assessment by the rector of any previous house of formation, or a similar report from the director of any
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