National Directory



1 BNFPD, no. 29, citing PDV, no. 36. 2 DMLPD, no. 49, citing St. Paul VI, Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem (June 18, 1967), no. 8, documents/hf_p-vi_motu-proprio_19670618_sacrum-diaconatus.html . 3 BNFPD, no. 32. 4 BNFPD, nos. 31-33. 5 “The ‘art of accompaniment,’ which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other (cf. Ex 3:5). . . . must be steady and reassuring, reflecting our closeness and our compassionate gaze which also heals, liberates and encourages growth 7 See this National Directory , chapter eight, no. 297, on committee on admission. 8 See CIC, cc. 1040-1042. Canon 1041 enumerates irregularities as follows: “(1) a person who labors under some form of amentia or other psychic illness due to which, after experts have been consulted, he is judged unqualified to fulfill the ministry properly; (2) a person who has committed the delict of apostasy, heresy, or schism; (3) a person who has attempted marriage, even only civilly, while either impeded personally from entering marriage by a matrimonial bond, sacred orders, or a public perpetual vow of chastity, or with a woman bound by a valid marriage or restricted by the same type of vow; (3) a person who has committed voluntary homicide or procured a completed abortion and all those who positively cooperated in either; (4) a person who has mutilated himself or another gravely and maliciously or who has attempted suicide; (5) a person who has placed an act of orders reserved to those in the order of episcopate or presbyterate while either lacking that order or prohibited from its exercise by some declared or imposed canonical penalty”; and irregularities arising from public or occult delicts. Canon 1042 enumerates impediments as follows: “(2) a person who exercises an office or administration forbidden to clerics according to the norm of cann. 285 and 286 . . . ; (3) a neophyte unless he has been proven sufficiently in the judgment of the ordinary.” in the Christian life.” EG, no. 169. 6 BNFPD, no. 40; CIC, c. 233 §1.

9 BNFPD, no. 35. See no. 35 note 39. 10 BNFPD, no. 70; see CIC, c. 1029. 11 BNFPD, no. 70.

12 If the information regarding Confirmation or marriage, if relevant, is not recorded on the baptismal record, separate certificates for Confirmation and marriage are to be obtained (CIC, cc. 1033, 1050 3°, 241 §2); relevant documents pertaining to a canonical declaration of nullity should also be obtained, if applicable. See this National

Directory , no. 150. 13 CIC, c. 1031 §3.

14 The application form should provide information on his family; his religious, academic, employment, and service history; and a personal handwritten statement requesting admission into aspirant formation, indicating his motivation for seeking ordination to the diaconate, his willingness to pledge his service to the diocesan

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