Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests


in the life of a priest that reflect that chapter’s dimension. The markers of human formation, for example, are fruits that we should expect in our lives when we apply ourselves to growing in human maturity and virtue. After summarizing these markers, each chapter then considers specific approaches to ongoing formation that may be helpful for priests. These means of formation fall under three headings: personal, fraternal, and epis copal. When engaging these means, which are discussed in this section, we are always aware that they are occasions to avail ourselves of the accompani ment of the Holy Spirit, who is our primary formator. 49 The personal means of formation are the individual practices and attitudes that promote ongoing growth, because the priest remains “princi pally and primarily responsible for his own ongoing formation.” 50 In most cases, these personal means are simply the extension of habits that we first nurtured in the seminary. A good starting point for many priests who wish to deepen their formation is therefore a return to the basics that began in the seminary: recovering the fervor that animated their lives prior to ordi nation. Many seasoned priests can witness to this beautiful experience of a “second conversion” that has breathed new vitality into their priestly lives and ministry. 51 The personal means of formation, if taken seriously, have a unique potential to return a priest to the first love that inspired his vocation at the very beginning. The point of departure for the personal means of ongoing forma tion is the priest’s own investment in the undertaking. As in our seminary years, we remain the primary agent of our formation. However good our seminary might have been, it could only make us into holy and effective priests if we applied ourselves to what we learned and assimilated it into our PERSONAL MEANS 71. 72.


See DMLP, nos. 9-12.

50 Ratio Fundamentalis , no. 82. “The term ‘ongoing formation’ is a reminder that the one experience of discipleship of those called to priesthood is never interrupted. The priest not only ‘learns to know Christ’ but, under the action of the Holy Spirit, he finds himself within a process of gradual and continuous con figuration to Him, in his being and his acting, which constantly challenges the person to inner growth.” Ratio Fundamentalis , no. 80. 51 “Ongoing formation is intended to ensure fidelity to the priestly ministry in a continuing journey of conversion, in order to rekindle the gift received at ordination.” Ratio Fundamentalis , no. 81.

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