Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests
ill. Other elements of our society just as strongly oppose any openness to migrants and refugees. Priests and faithful Catholics will continue, at great personal cost, to work at the forefront of the campaign to protect the rights of those who otherwise have no voice in society. This secularist outlook has also championed a view of the human person and human sexuality that directly opposes the Christian point of view. In the 1960s the sexual revolution detached sexual behavior from traditional social and religious norms. It then evolved into the acceptance, even celebration, of ever more deviant sexual behavior. Society has now gone so far as to obstinately deny even basic biological realities. Catholics find themselves ever more disenfranchised from the secular mainstream. Aggressive homosexual and transgender ideologies seek—through social pressure, soft intimidation, and even the force of law—to silence the Church. As priests we feel that pressure in a particular way, especially as we are called to minister to all people in mercy and yet also in truth. The secular revolution seems unstoppable and can be disheart ening. Anti-Christian narratives of history are being taught unapologeti cally and uncritically to our children. Sexual instruction in public and some private schools often strives to indoctrinate children early and forcefully in the secular and deceiving view of the human person and human sexu ality. In its attempts to propose an alternative, the Church finds itself at an extreme disadvantage. It has lost much credibility, in part due to the sexual abuse scandals, and is now hemmed in by mounting restrictions on religious freedom and engagement in the public square. The situation seems bleak, especially if we priests are not finding strength and consolation in our union with God. A priest who lacks deep roots can easily be carried away by any—let alone all—of these obstacles. Building strong foundations of a holy, healthy priesthood is ever more necessary if we are to respond to these obstacles with confidence, peace, and joy. This document proposes a way of life that will make it possible. 57. 58. 59.
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