Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests


cially for those entrusted to his ministry, through the Liturgy of the Hours and his own personal prayer, will be a steadfast, daily resolution. 32 Last, his promise to live a simple life will be more than an aspiration; he will make choices about his lifestyle, his home, his car, his meals, his entertainment, his vacations, and his hobbies that reflect the sobriety of a man committed entirely to the Lord. 33 He will “use such goods with a sense of responsibility, moderation, upright intention and detachment proper to him who has his treasure in heaven.” 34 “Moreover, all [priests] are required to make a sincere effort to live in mutual esteem, to respect others and to hold in esteem all the posi tive and legitimate diversities present in the presbyterate. This too consti tutes part of the priest’s spiritual life and continual practice of asceticism.” In addition, “priests who belong to religious orders and congregations represent a spiritual enrichment for the entire diocesan presbyterate, to which they contribute specific charisms and special ministries, stimulating the particular church by their presence to be more intensely open to the Church throughout the world.” 35 This effort includes the common life that diocesan priests share in a rectory or that religious priests share in commu nity. Priests who live together should recognize divine providence in this arrangement, not merely circumstance by chance. Overarching these three identities of a priest is an attitude to life that is crucial for his ongoing formation. No matter how long or fruitful his formation in seminary, a priest’s growth does not end on the day of his ordination. St. Gregory of Nazianzen said that “extreme old age would not be a long preparation for the priesthood.” 36 We always have more to discover and more ways to progress personally and in our priestly minis try. 37 Changes in life demand that we be prepared to continue adapting to new circumstances. We have a need, then, for constant dedication to learning and growth. 39. DEDICATION TO A LIFE OF LEARNING AND GROWING 40.

32 33 34 35 36 37

See CIC, c. 276 §2, 3° and 5°.

See CIC, c. 282 §1.

DMLP, no. 83. PDV, no. 31.

St. Gregory Nazianzen, Oration 2, no. 72.

See CIC, c. 279, §§1-3.

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