Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests


as vulnerable adults, in some cases). Given the variety of legislation even within a particular diocese or eparchy, those responsible for the ongoing formation of priests must determine the requirements and communicate them to the clergy. It should be noted that historically priests may have enjoyed a rather broad clerical exception to reporting laws. In many states the clerical exception has narrowed significantly in recent years. As these laws continue to change, those responsible for formation programs will need to monitor and communicate changes to the priests. To speak of boundaries when referring to ministry may seem strange. Ministry by its nature draws the priest into the lives and hearts of the people he serves. For this very reason, priests need ongoing formation opportunities to think and speak about the challenges inherent in sharing such important matters and moments in the lives of others. For example, a parishioner might misunderstand compassionate concern for something more personal. Any priest who has spent time in parish ministry has expe rienced a person in distress who lacks a sense of the boundaries in the rela tionship. In addition, there are risks for the minister as well if he himself is experiencing some kind of personal distress. His own need for affirmation or intimacy might cloud the ministerial relationship. MINISTRY BOUNDARIES 308.


309. There are similar pitfalls in the ministerial workplace. The typical parish staff is small, and the employees tend to spend a great deal of time together. Over time, they might fall into an easy familiarity. That same familiarity brings with it the risk of misunderstanding and even miscon duct. Most regions of the United States have available training on bound aries in the workplace to help priests and staff avoid temptations such as favoritism or inappropriate behavior or conversation.


310. Of course, it is possible for a priest to transgress boundaries with those outside ministry or the workplace. Ongoing formation programs need

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