Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests


a priest, is a reasonable goal. Nonetheless, the ongoing formation program for the newly ordained needs to acknowledge and honor the change that has occurred in them and in their lives with the gift of priestly ordination. This balance can be difficult to achieve. For example, a healthy program needs a degree of accountability for those who miss scheduled gatherings or arrive late. On the other hand, such enforcement starts to look like life in the seminary. The best outcome is a program that draws the men in by the quality of its content and fraternal engagement. The encouragement and support of the diocesan bishop, as spiritual father, is also helpful. Priests are more receptive to the wishes of their diocesan bishop when he commu nicates them clearly and convincingly. With these observations in mind, and in light of the Guide’s focus on the importance of fraternity in ongoing formation, fraternal time and engagement are essential components and tools of an ongoing formation program for the recently ordained. For similar reasons, those responsible for the program’s content need to consult the men concerning the topics and the quality of presenters and be responsive when there is feedback. The same need may shape simple program decisions. For example, the priest director for the program or programs should not be the only one who preaches or presides. The men themselves should be asked to partic ipate in programming by volunteering to celebrate the Mass, lead a Holy Hour, or lead one of the hours of the Liturgy of the Hours. The quality of the hospitality is also critical. The goal is to put new clergy at ease and give them opportunities to engage with one another. PART 1: KEY LEADERSHIP IN THE ONGOING FORMATION OF THE RECENTLY ORDAINED PRIEST As this Guide indicates, the most important figure in ongoing formation is the priest himself. His humble self-awareness of the need for continuous conversion and growth is the essential ingredient for the effec tiveness of any program in his life. 242. 243.

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