Guide to Ongoing Formation for Priests


236. The field of pastoral counseling offers many opportunities for ongoing formation. A workshop offering an overview of psychology from the perspective of Catholic anthropology could be very helpful. Knowing how to approach specific issues such as depression, suicide prevention, and troubled marriages can be critical in providing accompaniment and Christ centered consultation. Of equal importance is recognizing when an issue is beyond the priest’s scope of expertise, so that referral to professional services is appropriate. In the complex field of medical ethics, seminars can bring priests up to date on bioethical questions such as end-of-life issues. Many such examples would be useful for the ongoing formation of priests. Effective pastors are always on the watch for ways to build up their parochial apostolates. Ongoing formation can play an important role in this search for best practices in parish leadership. At the broadest level, the parish must evangelize and equip parishioners for their own outreach. 215 An in-depth study of the lay vocation and its largely untapped potential for works of evangelization and mercy, for instance, could help pastors carry out their own work of formation. So too could a workshop on using social media and other digital resources more effectively, or a workshop on catechizing with apologetics resources that address challenges to the faith with clarity and compassion. Other topics for discussions on best prac tices include guidance for ministering to youth and young adult groups; preparing catechumens and candidates for reception into the Church; promoting priestly, diaconal, and consecrated vocations; reaching out to non-Catholics; and working with ecumenical groups. Any work of a typical parish, in fact, likely profits from canvassing effective priests and presenting the findings to the presbyterate as a whole. PARISH APOSTOLATES 237.


238. Functional and administrative topics of study can be helpful to pastors and those preparing to become pastors, whose managerial duties seem always to be expanding. One general topic for formation might be leadership skills, especially for priests responsible for schools or parishes

215 See CIC, cc. 528 §1 and 529 §2.

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