Catechism of the Catholic Church



include instructing, advising, consoling, comforting, forgiving, and patiently forbearing. Corporal works of mercy include feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, sheltering the homeless, and burying the dead (2447). WORLD: Creation, or the earth, or even the universe. “All that is” —often called the “world” in Scripture—owes its existence to God’s act of creation; God’s creation is called “good” in the Bible, and human beings are said to have been created “in his own image and likeness” (282, 295). In the New Testament the “world” is sometimes used to indicate the forces of opposition to the work of Jesus and of his Holy Spirit. In this sense it signifies the world

which Jesus came to redeem from sin. The world will reach its goal and perfection when it has been renewed and transformed into “the new heaven and the new earth” in the fullness of God’s kingdom (1043). WORSHIP: Adoration and honor given to God, which is the first act of the virtue of religion (2096). Public worship is given to God in the Church by the celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ in the liturgy (1067).


YAHWEH (YHWH): The personal name of the God of Israel, revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai, meaning “I am who I am” (205).

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