Catechism of the Catholic Church
cooperation of the Christian faithful, 911 collegial and personal nature of ecclesiastical ministry, 877‑78 as a ministry of service, 876, 894‑95 office of the Ecumenical Council, 884 office of the episcopal college, 883, 885 office of the individual bishops, 886 office of the Supreme Pontiff, 882 pastoral office of Peter, the apostles, and bishops as the foundation of the Church, 881 bishops and priests as stewards, 893, 1118‑20 God sanctifies in Christ, 790, 805, 947, 1076, 1082, 1084, 1110‑12 means of sanctifying, 893 ministry of the word, 2031, 2038 prayer, 2558, 2655 the Body of Christ, 787‑96 foundation of the truth, 171 guardian of the deposit of faith, 171 historical and spiritual reality, 770‑71 kingdom of priests for God, 1546, 1591 Mother and Teacher, 2030‑46 place where each Christian fulfills his vocation, 2030 place where we know the Holy Spirit, 688 reconciled world, 845 and sacrament, 774‑76 sacrament of the mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit, 738 seed and beginning of the Kingdom of God, 541 sign of heavenly Jerusalem, 117 spouse of Christ, 796 temple of the Holy Spirit, 797‑98 in the union of men with God, 772‑73 universal sacrament of salvation, 849
accomplishing evangelization and catechesis, 7 being an example of Christian holiness, 2030 being the people of God, 781‑86 concern with the temporal aspects of the common good, 2420 conversion as an uninterrupted duty, 1428 forgiving sins, 827, 979‑83, 1442, 1478 guarding the deposit of faith, 84, 97, 175 preserving apostolic preaching in a continuous line of succession, 77 proclaiming the Paschal mystery, 571 professing the faith, 172‑75 professing faith in Christ’s kingship, 2105 professing faith in one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 152, 258, 738 safeguarding the faith, 168, 171, 173 authority of the Ecumenical Council, 891 authority of the episcopal college and the Supreme Pontiff, 891, 2035 authority extended to natural law, 2036 catechesis and preaching, 2033 the Church, Mother, and Teacher, 2030‑46 lay faithful in the ministry of teaching, 906 Magisterium of the Church, 85‑87 ( see also Magisterium) ministry of teaching as the service of the word of God, 86 necessity of teaching in the faith, 2037 proclaiming salvation, 2032 significance of the term “teaching office,” 890 sanctifying men, 824 serving God, 783‑86 teaching
ministry of sanctifying
mystery of the Church
offices of the Church
social doctrine, 2419‑25 Supreme Pontiff and the bishops as authentic teachers, 888, 2034
accomplishing the Church’s mission in the world, 767, 2044‑45
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