Catechism of the Catholic Church



Christian humanism , 1676

the one and only Mediator, 65‑67, 480, 667, 771, 846 the only Word of Sacred Scripture, 101‑04 our peace, 2305 physician of souls and bodies, 1421, 1458, 1484, 1503‑05, 1509 Priest, 783, 1141 prophet, 783, 904 purpose of the Law, 1953, 1965, 1977 reconciliation of God with the world, 433, 620, 1449, 2795, 2839 Redeemer, 401, 616, 622, 679, 1026, 1069, 1235, 1476, 1992 Resurrection and life, 994 Revelation of the Father, 73, 221, 238‑42, 2798 Revelation of God, 50, 53, 151, 240, 272, 385, 2583, 2812 Sanctification of men, 2813 Savior, 389, 846, 1019, 1359, 1507, 1584, 1741, 1846 sent by God, 422, 437 Servant, 565, 608, 623 shepherd of men, 160, 754 Son of David, 439, 559 Son of God, 423‑24, 441‑45, 454, 1286, 2783 Son of man, 440, 460 source of evangelization and of preaching, 49, 74‑76 source of grace, 1642 source of hope, 1820 temple of God, 1197 truth, 2466 vine, 755, 2074 the way that leads to the Faith, 2609 Word, 241, 456‑60 Christian Baptism and new life of, 537, 1010, 1229, 1241, 1266, 1272, 1997 death and, 1011, 1020, 1314, 1681‑82 first Christians, 83, 2636, 2641 fulfills his vocation in the Church, 2030 meaning of the name, 1289 name received in Baptism, 2165 nourishment of, 1392 prayer and, 2707, 2743 sign of the Cross and, 2157 spiritual sign of Confirmation in, 1304, 1309, 1317

Christianity religion of the incarnate Word of God and not a “religion of the book,” 108 Church angels as a help to the, 334‑36 calls men to ordained ministry, 1578 commandments of the, 2041‑43 family as the “domestic Church,” 1655‑58, 2204, 2685 filial spirit of Christians toward the, 2040 “holy and without blemish,” 1426 Mary and her office in the mystery of the, 963‑72, 973 Mary, Mother of the Church, 963 the missionary, 849‑56 “Outside the Church there is no salvation,” 846‑48 perfected in glory, 769, 1042 as the seed and beginning of the Kingdom, 541, 669, 764, 768 as a visible edifice, 1180, 1185‑86, 2691 as a way to obtain God’s pardon, 1478‑79 attributes of the Church, 750, 811, 865 one, 813‑22 because of her source, her Founder, her soul, 813 bonds of unity, 815‑16 the Church’s mission seeks unity, 855

diversity in unity, 814, 818‑19 Eucharist as the sacrament that strengthens the Church’s unity, 1416 seeking unity by the unity already given, 820‑22 wounds to unity, 817 evangelical counsels as a help to holiness, 1986 the Holy Church clasps sinners to her bosom, 825, 827, 1428 Holy Spirit as the source of holiness, 749 made holy with Mary, 829 sanctified by Christ, 823‑24 soul of holiness and charity, 826

holy, 823‑29

catholic, 830‑56

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