Catechism of the Catholic Church



Catholicity bishop, Christians and, 1292 division of Christians and, 855 liturgy, traditions, and the catholicity of the Church, 1200‑03, 1208 particular churches and, 832‑36 preaching the Gospel and, 849 Celebration/Celebrating. See words to which Celebration refers, above all Liturgy Celibacy and chastity, 2349 consecrated life and, 915 Eastern Churches and, 1580 Latin Church and the celibacy of priests, 1579, 1599 single persons and pastoral care, 1658 Cemetery , 1686 Charism communion of, 951 of consecrated life, 924, 1175 discernment of, 801 Holy Spirit and, 688, 798, 800, 809, 1508, 2003, 2024, 2684 of infallibility, 890, 2035 of the laity, 910 significance and purpose of, 799, 800, 2003 of truth and growth in faith, 94 See also Holy Spirit Charity apathy and indifference contrary to, 2094 call to, 1694, 2013 catechesis and, 25, 1967, 1971 communion in, 953, 1475 destroyed by mortal sin, 1855‑56, 1861, 1874 heart as the seat of, 1853 indulgence and, 1478 information and, 2489, 2494‑95, 2497 as loving one’s neighbor, 1822‑29 “never ends,” 25 offended and wounded by venial sin, 1855, 1863, 1875 wipes away venial sins, 1394, 1472 See also Love Character of man , 1264, 1810

Catechesis Christ as the living center of, 426‑27, 1697‑98, 2145 and Christian initiation, 1233, 1248 and the commandments, 2065 and the liturgy, 1074‑75, 1095, 1135 and the Magisterium of the Church, 2033, 2049 and popular piety, 1674 and prayer, 2688, 2695 moral catechesis of the apostolic teachings, 1971 nature and purpose of, 4‑7, 426, 983, 1095, 2688 and Sacred Scripture, 132 See also Doctrine: Christian doctrine Catechism of the Catholic Church adaptation to different cultures, 24 as the organic presentation of the faith in its entirety, 18 pastoral principle of, 25 preparation of, 10 principal sources of, 11 purpose of, 11 structure of, 13‑17 to whom it is addressed, 12 Catechist(s) catechism intended for, 12 qualities of, 428 as teachers of prayer, 2663 Catechumenate adults and, 1247 forms of, 1230‑33 meaning and purpose of, 1248 Catechumens and charity, 1248‑49 the Church and, 1249, 1537 instruction of, 281 Lord’s Prayer and, 2769 oil of, 1294 and the profession of faith, 168, 256, 1253 salvation of, 1259, 1281 Catholic. See words to which it pertains and creation, 282 and the Creed, 188

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