Catechism of the Catholic Church
Index of Citations
4, 4, 3 4, 12, 4 4, 15, 1
PG 7/1, 983 PG 7/1, 1005
Epistula ad Magnesios 6, 1 AF II/2, 118-119; SCh 10, 82-84 1549* 9, 1 AF II/2, 128-130; SCh 10, 88 2175 Epistula ad Romanos 1, 1 AF II/2, 192; SCh 10, 124 834 4, 1 AF II/2, 207; SCh 10, 130 2473 6, 1-2 AF II/2, 217-220; SCh 10, 132-134 1010, 2474 7, 2 AF II/2, 223-224; SCh 10, 132-136 1011
PG 7/1, 1012 1964, 2070
4, 16, 3-4 PG 7/1, 1017-1018 4, 18, 4-5 PG 7/1, 1028-1029 4, 18, 4 PG 7/1, 1027
2063 1350 1000 1327
4, 18, 5 4, 20, 1 4, 20, 5 4, 20, 7 4, 21, 3 5, 20, 1 5, 32, 1
PG 7/1, 1028 PG 7/1, 1032
PG 7/1, 1034-1035
PG 7/1, 1037 PG 7/1, 1045 PG 7/1, 1177 PG 7/2, 1210
294 53* 174
Epistula ad Smyrnaeos 1-2
AF II/2, 289-293; SCh 10, 154-156
Demonstratio apostolica 3 SCh 62, 32
8, 1 AF II/2, 309; SCh 10, 162 8, 2 AF II/2, 311; SCh 10, 162 Epistula ad Trallianos 3, 1 AF II/2, 157-158; SCh 10, 112
1274 683
896, 1369
SCh 62, 41-42 SCh 62, 48-49 SCh 62, 170
704 190
Isaac of Niniveh , St.
1549, 1554, 1593*
Tractatus mystici, editio Bedjan 66
Ignatius of Loyola , St.
Spiritual Exercises 22
Jerome , St.
2478 2164 2715*
Commentarii in Ecclesiasten 10, 11 PL 23, 1096
Irenaeus of Lyons , St.
Commentariorum in Isaiam libri xviii Prol. PL 24, 17B 133
Adversus haereses 1, 10, 1-2 PG 7/1, 549-553 173, 174 2, 22, 4 PG 7/1, 784 518* 2, 30, 9 PG 7/1, 822 292 3, 3, 2 PG 7/1, 849 834 3, 17, 1 PG 7/1, 929 53* 3, 18, 1 PG 7/1, 932 518 3, 18, 3 PG 7/1, 934 438 3, 18, 7 PG 7/1, 937 518 3, 19, 1 PG 7/1, 939 460 3, 20, 2 PG 7/1, 944 53 3, 22, 4 PG 7/1, 959A 494 3, 24, 1 PG 7/1, 966 175, 797
In die dominica paschae homilia CCL 78, 550
Joan of Arc , St.
223, 435
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